Tagged: Prophet Muhammad

Islamic history begins with the life of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).

Here are 14 frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Prophet Muhammad, accompanied by brief answers.

The answers come from authentic Islamic sources and scholarly works.

  1. Who was Prophet Muhammad?
    • Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the final prophet in Islam, born in Mecca in 570 CE. He received revelations from God (Allah) over 23 years, which are compiled in the Quran, the holy book of Islam.
  2. When was he born and when did he die?
    • He was born in 570 CE and passed away in 632 CE.
  3. What is the importance of Prophet Muhammad in Islam?
    • He is regarded as the last in a line of prophets that includes figures like Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. Muslims believe he delivered the final and complete word of God, the Quran.
  4. Did he write the Quran?
    • No, Prophet Muhammad was illiterate. He received revelations from the angel Gabriel over 23 years. These revelations were memorized and later compiled by his followers into the Quran.
  5. What are the Hadiths?
    • Hadiths are the sayings, actions, and approvals of Prophet Muhammad. They serve as a guide for Muslims alongside the Quran.
  6. Did Prophet Muhammad perform miracles?
    • While the Quran itself is considered the primary miracle, there are various accounts of miracles performed by the Prophet in Hadith literature, like the splitting of the moon.
  7. Was he a warrior?
    • Throughout his life, he took on various roles, including that of a merchant, statesman, and military leader. He engaged in battles, primarily in defense against tribes that attacked the early Muslim community.
  8. What is the Sunnah?
    • Sunnah refers to the traditions and practices of Prophet Muhammad. It’s used as a source of Islamic law alongside the Quran.
  9. How did he treat non-Muslims?
    • There are many accounts of Prophet Muhammad treating non-Muslims with kindness and respect, emphasizing peaceful coexistence. The Constitution of Medina, a pact he established, included rights and responsibilities for both Muslims and non-Muslims in the city.
  10. What’s the significance of the Night Journey and Ascension (Isra and Mi’raj)?
  • This event, mentioned in the Quran and expanded upon in Hadiths, describes a night when Prophet Muhammad was taken from Mecca to Jerusalem and then ascended to the heavens, meeting various prophets and ultimately coming before the presence of God.
  1. Why do Muslims often add “peace be upon him” after mentioning his name?
  • It’s a mark of respect. Muslims also say similar phrases for other prophets.
  1. Why are images of Prophet Muhammad often avoided in Islamic art?
  • It’s to prevent idolatry and ensure that he isn’t worshipped, preserving the monotheistic essence of Islam. Additionally, depicting him might lead to various interpretations, so it’s avoided to maintain a consistent reverence.
  1. How did Prophet Muhammad’s teachings spread?
  • After his passing, his companions (known as the Sahaba) traveled and spread the teachings of Islam across various lands. The subsequent Muslim Caliphates also played a role in the spread of Islamic teachings.
  1. What’s his family background?
  • He belonged to the Quraysh tribe and the Hashim clan. His father was Abdullah, and his mother was Amina. He later married Khadijah, with whom he had four daughters and two sons.