State Portrait of Queen Victoria 1837

Queen Victoria

State Portrait of HM Queen Victoria (1838) by Sir George Hayter

The State Portrait of Queen Victoria from 1837 is a painting by George Hayter. It depicts the young Queen Victoria wearing a white satin gown and a diamond diadem, with the Order of the Garter on her left arm. The portrait was commissioned to commemorate her accession to the throne and was used as the basis for many engravings and reproductions. It is currently held in the Royal Collection at Buckingham Palace in London.

About the painter

Sir George Hayter (1792-1871) was an English painter known for his portraits and large-scale works featuring hundreds of individual portraits. He was appointed Principal Painter in Ordinary to Queen Victoria, who recognized his talents and awarded him a knighthood in 1841.

The English Court portraitist Sir George Hayter was born to English painter Charles Hayter (1761-1835) and Martha Stevenson. He received his early education and training in painting from his father before proceeding to the Royal academy Schools, where he was tutored by Swiss painter Henry Fuseli.

In 1809, Hayter tied the knot with a woman called Sarah Milton. His wife was about 14 years older than him. The couple had three children: Henry, Leopold, and Georgiana.

Like his father, Hayter worked briefly in the service of Princess Charlotte of Wales, the only child of George, Prince of Wales (later King George IV).

Hayter was known for painting many royal ceremonies involving Queen Victoria, with the State Portrait of Queen Victoria (1838) and the Coronation of HM Queen Victoria (1838) being perhaps his most famous works.

Other notable works by George Hayter include: The Trial of Queen Caroline in the House of Lords (1820), The Christening of the Prince of Wales (1842), The First Meeting of the Reformed House of Parliament (1833), and The Martyrdom of Bishops ridley and Latimer (1855).

Did you know?

Jean René Bazaine (21 December 1904 – 4 March 2001) is the great great grandson of Sir George Hayter.