How Perseus slew Medusa

How Perseus slew Medusa

According to Greek mythology, Medusa was one of the Gorgons, monstrous creatures with hair made of living snakes and the ability to turn anyone who looked at them into stone. The Greek hero and demigod Perseus was tasked with slaying Medusa as part of his quest to bring back her head as a gift for King Polydectes.

To accomplish this, Perseus first received a mirrored shield from the goddess Athena, which allowed him to view Medusa’s reflection instead of directly looking at her.

He also received a sword made of adamant from Zeus and a helmet of invisibility from Hades. With the help of winged sandals from Hermes, Perseus flew to Medusa’s lair and was able to approach her while looking only at her reflection in the shield. He then used the sword to cut off her head.

As Perseus fled from the other Gorgons who pursued him, he put on the helmet of invisibility to evade them. He was able to complete his mission and bring back the head of Medusa to King Polydectes.